Thursday, March 25, 2010

Its not an imagination its called a good memory

Monday’s episode hosted by Scott himself entitled -  
Duke you either Hate um or Love um
a nice story for nice people
bad roads to look out for

Monday’s show highlighted the passions of Sports and Politics. 
Shall we call this highlight DUKE vs. OBAMA
John:“I Hate Duke”“Only 45% of the country like him so a lot more don’t”
Stephanie:“Duke better loose”"Its gonna take awhile to get rid of Obama's mistakes"
Nicole:“I’m impartial to Duke”“Be Strong Republicans”
Ashleigh:Missing in action probably still filling out her bracket………………………………………..
Scott:"You either love um or hate um"“Mobs and skinheads don’t like Obama”
Jennie:“At least we can say that the NCAA is more exciting than the government”
Courtney:“I still love Coach K, though”“I don’t see how more people don’t see what’s happening”

/\/\/\/\/\_________/\/\/\/\ you bored me to death there for a second almost flat lined

Not knowing I would eventually be the author memorializing the King Siblings musings I deleted some of the past threads. I start about a week ago with what was titled…
Occasionally, a guest host is asked to start the emails. I believe this day John hosted with the following links:
Jimmer and Mike have joined the running for names of my future children
ASU baseball game was the first date for steph and I
This kid is legit
This is near the MV and also right by the new five guys in MV
Tough loss

Of course we’ll leave it to John to have 4 of the 5 links sports related!  On this particular day Ashleigh thought it might be a wise move to start her NCAA bracket, John called her out saying:
John: “You can’t fill out a bracket after a day in a half done already!”
Ashleigh: “That’s okay…I haven’t really been following every college anyway. I need all the help I can get.”
Ashleigh, that kind of help is called cheating!

It All Began With a Test Run . . . So He Says!

A few weeks back, while going through my morning ritual of checking my social media outlets – Facebook, Jennifer Lee Deaton blog, and my hotmail I stumbled upon this email from my cousin Scott.  It was a series of random links with even more random half sentences accompanying each link.  I was confused.  What is this?  Looking to see who else was included I saw that I was the only non-sibling who received what seemed like a bizarre e-mail.  I quickly sent a text to his Sister; “Quick, tell what is going on!  Why am on this e-mail list?  And how do I follow these rules in question?”  Stephanie replied (accompanied with a long laugh, I am sure) “It’s just a way for Scott to keep the family in contact and relieve some stress through laughs, hence the website links.  Just remember to respond that’s really the only rule!”
So I felt honored to be included in such an elite group.  I responded and have been invited to stay on this e-mail list for the past 2 or 3 weeks.  Even at one point being deemed along with John his lawyer!  Some days are busier than others and we can’t all respond as we’d like but we’ve had some interesting conversations and seem to stay up to speed with the world around us and eachother.  I asked Scott for his permission to create this blog as I think the website links and conversations are worthy to be memorialized.  To say the least this blog is created in Honor of the Great Scott King.